Weekly Recommendation: Marvel Heroes Omega


This weeks recommendation comes in the form of a MMO- and one that I’d been dying to play for a long time since it first made it’s way onto PC. Marvel Heroes has finally become available for consoles (XBox on the 30th June- sorry) and I have to say the wait was worth it. Continue reading

Marvel Comics: Are they in trouble?

Found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Comics

Marvel comics have always been the publisher I read the most comics from, and have always been one of the main two companies in the industry- but right now while they’re owning the box office and world of streaming television they seem to be getting their grip on the comic industry pulled away. So is Marvel in trouble? Continue reading

Comic Book Picks 7th December’16


Were in the final month of the year now, but that doesn’t mean the comic book shipping schedule is slowing down and this week has a host of new titles getting their start before the year ends. But are these new titles were you should be putting your money or is it elsewhere? Well here are my picks for the week Continue reading

Tears of a Geek


As lovers of Comic Books, movies, animation and all things geeky- there tends to be a thought that were far removed from the societal norms of emotions others feel, but we know that’s not true. We feel the same way about the X-Men that others do about the Kardashians (I know which I prefer out of those mutants!) and at times the stories and characters we love make us cry- yes I’ve cried at comic books and here are the times that hurt me the most. Continue reading