WWE Hell in a Cell 2015 Predictions

wwe-hell-in-a-cell-2015-bannerWWE hosts the annual Hell in a Cell PPV tonight, and despite a very lackluster card there are several matches to be excited by. Despite Kane in the WWE Championship match, were promised an unknown US Championship contender that could be exciting and we get to see the Beast. So who comes victorious this evening, well here are my thoughts.
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Weekly Recommendation: Star Wars- Shattered Empire: Journey to the Force Awakens


Star Wars has taken over this week, with the reveal of the new trailer and the Pre-booking for Episode VII smashing not only box office records but also websites- so it seems only fitting the end to ‘Shattered Empire’ hits shelves this week also and gave us some nice glimpses at what may be to come in the future of the Star Wars movie universe. That’s why it’s this weeks Recommendation. Continue reading