Comic Book Picks 19th July ’17


Wednesday is almost here and that means it new comic book day- and with so many new titles getting released each week it can hard to tell whats worth that chunk of your wages and what’s not! But don’t fear here are my top picks from this week releases. Continue reading

13th Doctor: Why the Controversy?


This weekend the BBC gave us the name and look of the 13th Doctor- and for some reason this seems to have caused a stir all over the internet, and not simply the positive one I was expecting. So with that being said lets look at what all this controversy is about and whether its really needed. Continue reading

Comic Book Picks 12th July’17


Wednesday is nearly here again, and that means its time for this weeks new comic books. With so many titles out there- here are my choices to be worthy of your hard earned cash. At this point I’d like to throw out a recommendation for ‘Batman: Noir’ hardcover- I know these are rare for me but this is such a good series, and wont be included in my comic book picks. Continue reading

Weekly Recommendation: Marvel Heroes Omega


This weeks recommendation comes in the form of a MMO- and one that I’d been dying to play for a long time since it first made it’s way onto PC. Marvel Heroes has finally become available for consoles (XBox on the 30th June- sorry) and I have to say the wait was worth it. Continue reading

WWE Payback 2017 Predictions


WWE Payback is the first PPV since WrestleMania and the superstar shake-up, so it has a weird feel to it with a WWE title match (Smackdown title) and a winner moves to Smackdown stipulation on the US Title. Either way there are some exciting matches on this card, so lets breakdown who I think will walk out with their arm raised. Continue reading