Who Trained Luke Skywalker?


We all know Luke Skywalker was trained by Ben Kenobi and Yoda (that’s one hell of a pairing) but at the end of ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Luke was a very struggling Jedi still in training despite training under Yoda- yet at the start of ‘Return of the Jedi’ we see a full Jedi trained Luke. So what happened? Well here are some thoughts based on the ever growing current continuity. Continue reading

Original Pokemon Intro turned into 3D


Pokemon is huge in my household and has been with me for a long time, ever since I first saw the anime show debut on UK television, so seeing as its nearly been 2decades since the release its only fitting that someone out there has given the original intro a full 3D makeover- and its Awesome! Continue reading

Rogue One has a link to Rebels in new trailer


At this point in time were not sure how closely the time frames are linked between ‘Star Wars: Rebels’ and ‘Rogue One’ but it appears they may be close together if the new TV spot is anything to go by- as there is a great Easter egg. Continue reading

Comic Book Picks 9November ’16


Well once again Wednesday is on the roll around and that means that were due a huge amount of new comic book releases to keep us all busy for the rest of the week. However while that’s good news, it also means we have some hard choices about what to spend our money on- and here are my top picks for this week. Continue reading