WWE Payback 2017 Predictions


WWE Payback is the first PPV since WrestleMania and the superstar shake-up, so it has a weird feel to it with a WWE title match (Smackdown title) and a winner moves to Smackdown stipulation on the US Title. Either way there are some exciting matches on this card, so lets breakdown who I think will walk out with their arm raised. Continue reading

Comic Book Picks 26th April’17


This weeks new releases are almost here, and after a two week absence I’m excited to let you know what I think you should be getting your hands on and reading this week. So without any further delay (Or Holidays) here are your picks for the week Continue reading

Comic Book Picks 5th April ’17


Wednesday is nearly here, and it will be the first one in my new home (Excited), but more importantly it means there’s a host of new comic books hitting the shelves very soon. And lets take a look at the top titles that you need to be considering this week. Continue reading