The Strain: official trailer


The arrival of Guillermo Del Toro’s vampire epic to our television screens is growing ever closer, and with it has come a host of sneak peaks so far. Well today sees the first official release of a trailer that showcases actual footage, and it’s full of great details.

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Rumor: Charlie Cox is Marvel’s Daredevil

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Charlie_CoxRumors are swirling tonight that British actor Charlie Cox has been cast as Matt Murdock/Daredevil for Marvel‘s upcoming show on Netflix. Variety has said that is has confirmed the rumor, though an official announcement hasn’t been made.

The actor is best known as Owen Slater from Boardwalk Empire, as well as Tristan Thorn in Stardust based on the story by Neil Gaiman.

The Daredevil show has had some ups and downs over the past few days as showrunner Drew Goddard stepped down, and was replaced by Stephen S. DeKnight, though that change was most likely due to Goddard’s commitment to the upcoming Sinister Six movie, based on Marvel characters.

The show based on the Marvel character is the first in a few series for Netflix based on Marvel properties. Others are based on Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and they’ll culminate into The Defenders.

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Superhero Friends

Nerdy Ninja Platypus


Marvel and DC have always been the biggest competitors in the comic book industry. Each company is very different, yet if you look deeper into the characters they write about, you can see how similar they are. If Marvel has a superhero with electric powers, chances are that DC will have one too, and if DC has a character with super speed, then Marvel will also have one. I guess there are only so many superpowers available for the picking?

I never quite realised just how many heroes/villains were similar though, until I saw these illustrations created by Deviant Artist, Darren Rawlings. Rawlings has created a series of pictures called Little Friends, coupling a DC and Marvel character, both of whom have similar characteristics. For example, he has drawn Catwoman and Black Cat together. I presume you can guess what their link is – it’s in their name!


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