Breaking Bad VS Street Fighter

Ever since Breaking Bad finished the internet has been flooded with artwork, meme’s, games and consumables that are all related. However this has to be my favourite- an animated Jesse taking on Ryu.
This showdown needs to be seen to be delivered as Jesse delivers a sweet ‘Money Throw’ special move Continue reading

Weekly Recommendation: Necronomicon- The best weird tales of H.P Lovecraft


Having spent some time last week looking a the best horror novels of Stephen King i felt it was only right this week to stick to the theme of scary books- and where better to go than the essential tales of H.P Lovecraft. Lovecraft was a true pioneer in the field of horror writing who began his writing in 1916 and since then produced some of the greatest tales of that generation and ever in the field of horror. This is made even more impressive when you consider most of Lovecraft’s tales are short stories, or collections of stories which fit together to make a larger tale but never the less they are all filled with enough scary moments and detail to leave everyone feeling uneasy. Continue reading

Crazy childhood characters

20140331-091723.jpgA short while ago i mentioned a project by digital artist ‘Tohad’ which aimed at turning everyone’s beloved childhood characters into insane monsters, killers, mutants and everything unsavoury and unpleasant for no other reason than because he could, and the first batch were great. Well he has returned with a new batch and these are just as insane as the original selection of art. So lets take a look at the new Lion King, the mutated Rugrats and a killer Ariel Continue reading

Friday Films 28March ’14

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Friday is upon us and that means that the new round of movie releases has hit full the local cinema’s and their all after your hard earned cash-so whats worth going to see this week and whats not? Well that’s what im here to tell you, so lets get this started. This weeks releases feature films from a slew of tiny studios, and then from Disney/Marvel- which will dominate the box office for sure. Continue reading

Essential Stephen King

King-EWThis has all come about because im trying to finish ‘Doctor Sleep’ and just can’t seem to find the time right now- but in a discussion at work was trying to find my favourite Stephen King book and simply couldn’t, so instead im going to list  of his books that i simply consider essential reading for anybody. Im sure if you’ve read a host of Stephen King books and scroll the list it may not contain all of your personal favourites, but with over 50books in print theres a host to choose from and not everything can make the list. So lets get this started….. Continue reading